Parking availability in Ivybridge is both short and long term. By Watermark in Erme Court, 2 hrs ticketed free. With cheap long stay in the Leonards Road car park also meters from our door beside the police station or Harford Road. Also, to our right, 30 mins free parking behind McColl's at top of Costly Street and if after 5pm spaces may be available in Costly Street itself.
Public transport stops in central Ivybridge opposite BP garage (Majorie Kelly Way) short walk across to Watermark Erme Court car park, and then turn to your left go through gap in wall where stainless steel bollards are and you are in Costly Street.
In Totnes Leatside surgery is off the roundabout by Morrison's petrol station on the industrial estate in Babbage Road. Enter this and turn left immediately after zebra crossing. There is parking for those visiting the surgery.